Archive for the ‘Animals’ Category

Prayer and a Bird   Leave a comment

I resisted all temptation to go outside to provide any physical assistance. Instead, I stood still and prayed with the Scientific Statement of Being, knowing that it was true for him. (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, p468).

I went back to my study of the Bible Lesson, praying with helpful passages by adding the thought of all God’s creatures where man’s being was addressed.

For example, from the Bible:

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. …For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; …
(Galatians 5:1,13)

And from Science and Health:

The substance, Life, intelligence, Truth, and Love, which constitute Deity, are reflected by His creation; and when we subordinate the false testimony of the corporeal senses to the facts of Science, we shall see this true likeness and reflection everywhere.
(Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, p516:4)

After about half an hour, I went back to the window and found that the patient was still there still in the same state.

To my relief and joy, as soon as he heard me say ‘’Oh you’re still there”, he – quick as a flash – flew away … no struggle or tentativeness … free as a bird.

In the words of Hymn 136:

I love Thy way of freedom, Lord,
To serve Thee is my choice, …

(Christian Science Hymnal, No.136)

Reggie Healed   Leave a comment

A member of the Canberra Christian Science community had this article, Immortality Glimpsed in Dog’s Healing, published in the October 22 issue of the Christian Science Journal. Click here to listen to, or read, the full story.

Reggie, an elderly dog we adopted, was a member of our family until last year. We loved him dearly and he lived with us long past the life expectancy of a dog of his breed.

Gradually last year I noticed that he was slowing down and sleeping much of the time. It was starting to feel as if Reggie might be about to move on. 

One Saturday morning he was in a long, deep sleep. He couldn’t be roused, and he had lost control of his bodily functions. 

I’ve been a Christian Scientist all my life and it is natural for me to turn to God in prayer when I need answers, so I sat on the floor beside his bed and turned to God. “Tell me how to think about this,” I asked. Continue reading

A Lesson from Bluebirds   1 comment

A Daily Lift by Deborah Heubsch



In this short podcast Deborah tells how a lesson in learning to listen helped her to overcome the great fear she felt when her beloved horse was reported to have a broken leg. She tells how losing the fear ushered in the healing.

Comments from a Reader   1 comment

A couple of weeks ago I was looking at this Canberra blog site and found a list of testimonies.  The first one caught my attention because it featured chooks and I love chooks.  The testifier told of gathering eggs from her chook run and then stepping on to a rusty nail amidst the chook manure.  She became quite fearful having heard of the claims of tetanus.  She then explained how she came to a healing conclusion as a result of her life-long study of Christian Science

A couple of days later I was walking around the house in socks and I felt a sharp pain in my foot.  There was a rusty needle embedded in it. My thoughts went on fast forward.  Then I thought, “what about that testimony you read?’  I read it again and gradually the fear began to subside but lingered a little.

The next day I joined a Zoom testimony meeting at the Christian Science church in Redcliffe, Queensland.  A lady told of pruning roses and of a thorn becoming embedded in her arm.  It looked quite ominous but she prayed diligently and after a few days all was well.  After listening to that testimony all fear completely vanished.

The next day my cat came home with a battered face and there were puncture wounds.  He had obviously been in a fight.  I couldn’t take him to the vet as I didn’t  have use of a car.  I got some water and cotton wool and he pushed me away as if to say, “You’re not washing my face!”   I said to him this has all been proven, well and truly – by the testifiers in Canberra and in Redcliffe and my own experience and you are not the exception to the rule. The next morning he went out and was gone all day and didn’t come back till after dark.  It was apparent that the healing was going forward quickly and in no time there was no evidence of the wound.

Thanks to your church for putting the testimonies on your web site.  Thanks to the testifiers from your church and Redcliffe and for my own healing.  And thanks to  Gussy for being proof that “All of God’s creatures moving in the harmony of Science are harmless, useful, indestructible.” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy p514)

The Great Kitten Rescue   1 comment

A Daily Lift by Deborah Huebsch

In this 3 minute podcast Deborah talks about how she learned to trust God’s great love for His creation. Feeling confident of this love her prayer was one of listening. Very soon there was a simple and effective answer to her problem and a very happy ending.

Safe on the Australian Waters   Leave a comment



A Daily Lift by Sharon Rooker-Brade, a Christian Science nurse.

Australian waters are well known for their sharks. In this 3 minute talk Sharon describes how her encounter with sharks on the open waters of a bay in Western Australia ended harmoniously.


A new 3 minute inspirational talk is shared each day Monday-Friday. To listen to more click on the Daily Lift tab in the menu above.

Family Pet Healed   Leave a comment

The members of the Christian Science community in Canberra share their experiences and thoughts on Christian Science:

One morning recently one of our cats appeared to be quite unwell.  When I checked him I noticed that his face was extremely swollen and he had a deep open cut above one eye.  He showed signs of being in pain and was quite distressed.  This cat is quite a wild creature; he does not permit us to handle him and taking him to the vet wasn’t really an option. 

In our family we are used to solving problems through prayer so I knew that this situation needed clear prayerful thinking.  For me prayer is not a matter of asking God for help but of affirming spiritual truths relating to the situation.  In this situation I made a point of looking away from the disturbing material picture and I held firmly to the idea that this dear kitty was in truth a spiritual idea, and a spiritual idea cannot be injured.  I also reminded myself of the several healings he had experienced previously. 

In Christian Science we are taught to hold to the spiritual truths despite the material evidence.  If we understand and trust these truths that we are claiming then the physical situation adjusts. Holding on to the spiritual truth about this kitty helped me to stop worrying about him and to trust his care to divine Mind.  I thought on these ideas until I felt a sense of peace. 

Within the hour he was up and around and behaving normally.  All signs of swelling had gone and the cut above his eye was healed to the point that I couldn’t even tell where it had been.  He had no further ramifications from this incident.

You Are Each Dearly Loved   Leave a comment

A Daily Lift by Deborah Huebsch a Christian Science healer and teacher.


In this 3 minute talk Deborah describes and illustrates the positive effect that Love has on health and well-being.

A new 3 minute inspirational talk is shared each day Monday-Friday. To listen to more click on the Daily Lift tab in the menu above.



A Prayer and a Cat   2 comments

The Christian Science Church – a part of the Canberra community.  Members share testimonies and talk about their lives as Christian Scientists. 

shutterstock_124754725This article, A Prayer and a Cat, is by Debbie who is a member of the Christian Science Church in Canberra.  She describes how her prayers for the world also resulted in healing for a friend’s cat.

I would like to share a healing that happened some years ago but it’s one that has meant a lot to me.

At the time I was working as a teacher in a local primary school.  There was one particular colleague that I sat with sometimes at lunch; she often talked to me about her cat, Hershey, who seemed to be a big part of her life.  However, at this particular time much of her conversation was about her upcoming trip to the US – a holiday for which they had been saving for a long time.

One day I walked into the staff room to find this friend crying gently while she ate her sandwich.  I sat with her and asked what had upset her.  She said that Hershey was sick and the vet had said he would die any day.  She was supposed to leave for the US in a few days and no cattery would take a cat that was about to die.  The kindest thing to do, the vet said, was to put him to sleep before she left.

My friend couldn’t bring herself to put her beloved cat down and felt guilty that she was leaving him when he was so ill.  Yet the holiday couldn’t be cancelled at this late date.

Without thinking too much I said:  “Would you like me to mind Hershey?” Immediately she jumped at this idea and within the minute it was settled.  She said she understood that he would not be alive when she returned but that at least he could go in his own time and in comfort.  I agreed.

Two days later Hershey was delivered to my place.  I admit I was not prepared for the sight of him.  He lay motionless in his basket; he was skin and bones with dull tufty fur and sore spots; his eyes remained closed.  I was informed that he needed his own quiet, dark room with no interruptions except for his medication.  I had not considered the issue of medication. He had so many!  She explained that Hershey had an immune deficiency condition – a cat’s version of AIDS she said.  We installed Hershey in his room and she said her good-byes.

For two days I tried to give Hershey his medication but it seemed to cause him so much stress.  I couldn’t see the point so I stopped.  I had been brought up in Christian Science and had always solved problems quickly through prayer.  Prayer for me was not a passive asking God for help but an active change of base in my thinking and spiritual reasoning.

There had been a lot of news coverage at this time around the issue of AIDS and I had been praying about this.  In my reasoning I went back to my basic beliefs:  I believed that there was a controlling order or principle to the universe and that principle was Love – another name for God.  A God of love I reasoned could not make a dangerous universe; that a God of Love protected creation, it didn’t expose it to harm.  I had proved many times that holding to spiritual truths, even in the face of evidence to the contrary, resolved inharmonious situations.

Now I applied this reasoning to Hershey. He was part of Love’s creation and I knew this Love was a powerful force for good.   In the textbook of Christian Science, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy writes:  You embrace your body in your thought, and you should delineate upon it thoughts of health, not of sickness (p208) so I embraced Hershey in my thought in this way.  I didn’t dwell on him, but I held to this idea every time I did think of him.  I felt safe that he was safe.

Very quickly he began to respond.  In a day or so he was up and walking about his room; another day or two he was out and exploring the house.

At the end of two weeks my friend returned and phoned to see how things had gone with Hershey.  She was very surprised to hear that he was ready to be picked up.  When she arrived to collect him he was sitting on the back of the lounge in the sun looking out the window.  He was plump and healthy, his fur was flawless and sleek and shiny, and he had a playful sparkle in his eyes.  He was very glad to be going home.

Sometimes when I pray for the world I am tempted to wonder:  Are my prayers doing any good?  This experience with Hershey gave me further proof that spiritual truths are powerful, more powerful than material evidence, and that prayers are effective in bringing about harmony in any situation – even those given up as hopeless.  I continue to be grateful for all that I am learning in my on-going study of Christian Science.

Ben’s Story   Leave a comment

shutterstock_123957178Sometimes life throws up situations where you have to stick to what you understand to be true, even if the physical evidence is saying something else.  I suppose that’s a bit like Copernicus, when he was starting to realize that the earth rotated around the sun, and not what was commonly thought, he had to use his scientific understanding and not the popular opinion or even his physical senses.

I’ve had experiences, simpler, humbler ones, where I’ve had to stick to a spiritual understanding of what was going on and not just accept the outward sense of things.  One of these times was when my dog, Ben, was hit by a car.

Ben had suddenly spotted by husband across the road and run straight out into the path of a car.  The car, a huge four-wheel drive, had hit him, spearing him into the ground, the full force being taken by his head.  And although there were only a few external abrasions, it was obvious something serious had happened to his skull. We took him home and I began to pray immediately.

Now my younger daughter was, at that stage, growing up and she was making her own mind up about things, and we’ve always respected our girls’ rights to think differently to us.  And she felt very strongly that we should take him to the vet.  She was actually shouting at me, and it was not easy, but I over rode her objections, and I did this for several reasons.  I had more faith in God than in man.  I had seen so many healings in my life, particularly of animals, that I had absolute confidence that the dog could be healed, but also I actually did not think that he would survive through any other means.  So I just went to God for help.

I prayed through the night to know only what God would know about the situation, to know that His divine care was ever present and all powerful, that divine Love did not cause this accident so it had no divine authority, that His almighty care surrounded us and governed the scene with harmony.  And as the day dawned, it suddenly became clear that I absolutely believed, and understood, God’s unwavering, unchanging love for all of His creation; that the Ben’s life was safe because he had always been in God’s care, and I knew it and I believed it and understood it more than what the physical senses were telling me.

Shortly after, my daughter came in to check on him and he leapt straight up into her arms perfectly well and happy, with all symptoms and pain completely gone.  And within two days even all evidence of the abrasions was gone.  But, as importantly, my daughter received the evidence that she needed as well.

This article was submitted by Beth Packer, a Christian Science healer from the South Coast of NSW, Australia.