Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

My God – My Saviour   2 comments


My flesh and my heart fail; God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

(The Bible NKJV – Psalms 73: 26)

God. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence.

(Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy p587)

Is Injury Inescapable   Leave a comment

A Daily Lift by Amy Richmond, CS



In this short podcast Amy, who is a full-time Christian Science healer, tells how she overcame a debilitating pain that limited her movement. She describes how spiritualising her thought about herself led to a quick recovery.

And Just Like That There Was No Pain   Leave a comment

A Daily Lift by Brian Webster


In this short podcast Brian tells how a painful knee that had kept him from cycling for many months was suddenly healed.

Who Are You?   Leave a comment

A Daily Lift by Russ Gerber


In this brief podcast Russ describes a day when he woke up and couldn’t move. He tells how turning his thought to God and himself as God’s image brought about an instant healing.

Not My Thought   1 comment

The members of the Christian Science community in Canberra share their experiences and thoughts on Christian Science:

In our back yard in Canberra we have certain sections of the garden fenced off as a chicken run.  One afternoon I was down in the bottom corner of the chicken’s area checking for eggs.  On this day the chickens had been particularly industrious and had dug some quite deep holes and unearthed some old timbers that I had not known were there.  As I stepped back from the hutch I felt a sharp pain in my left foot.  I looked down to find that I had stepped on a piece of wood that had a very long, rusty nail sticking out of it.  The nail had gone right through my plastic yard shoes and was now lodged deep in my foot.  It had obviously been buried for some time and now the nail was not only rusty but muddy and yucky with chicken droppings.  I pulled it out and went up to the house to wash it off. 

As I walked back very fearful ideas started filling my thought.  Not long before I had heard someone tell of symptoms of tetanus and I found myself worrying that I had never had a tetanus injection ever. 

At first I thought:  Why am I thinking these thoughts?  I never think like this!  I am not normally a fearful person.  I’ve been a student of Christian Science all my life and it has taught me that what I think is very important.  The quality of my thoughts determines my experience, so thinking fearfully was strange to me.  Then it dawned on me – these were not really my thoughts!  These thoughts came only as suggestions.  I love that word suggestion; it means that I have the option of accepting or rejecting something.  This was something that I would certainly reject.  In that moment I felt no ownership of these thoughts.  I knew that I didn’t have to analyse them, or wonder:  Why did I think this? or delve into what fears might be lurking in my thinking for me to produce these thoughts.  Because I felt no ownership of them I could simply discard them. 

That was the end of the matter.  I washed my foot but there was no pain and it immediately stopped bleeding.  Later that day after my shower when I dried my foot, I couldn’t even find the place.  There were never any repercussions from the incident.

The lesson I learned that day has stayed with me.  Nowadays I am more alert to the implications of this word suggestion.  God never suggests; only human reasoning suggests.  God doesn’t give you options; He is just good and His word is final. 

I am becoming more practised now at recognising suggestions and not owning all thoughts that come to me.  I know I don’t need to analyse a suggestion; I don’t need to delve into it; I don’t need to feel guilty for thinking it.  I just reject it with a very firm:  That’s not my thought!  When I say this, I know that it isn’t my thought because it isn’t of God. I know that God doesn’t give me fearful thoughts therefore fearful thoughts are not my thoughts.  Learning this has so simplified my prayers.  I use this line all the time now:  That’s not my thought!  And then I let it go.  Only good, healthy, harmonious, progressive thoughts are mine because these stem directly from God’s goodness.

Stand porter at the door of thought. Admitting only such conclusions as you wish realized in bodily results, you will control yourself harmoniously. When the condition is present which you say induces disease, whether it be air, exercise, heredity, contagion, or accident, then perform your office as porter and shut out these unhealthy thoughts and fears. Exclude from mortal mind the offending errors; then the body cannot suffer from them.

(Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy p392:24-32)

COVID Safe   1 comment

The members of the Christian Science community in Canberra share their experiences and thoughts on Christian Science:

Just recently I spent a day at Summernats with my dad.  Summernats is an annual car event held in Canberra.   COVID was raging in Canberra at this time and people were quite fearful of anyone who even coughed.  Still Exhibition Park where the event was held was crowded with over 2000 people attending that day.  We had a wonderful time!

However, after I arrived home I started to feel unwell.  I had many of the symptoms associated with COVID and my mum told me to isolate from the family and stay in my room.  I obeyed and used this alone time to pray quietly about the situation.  The idea that came to me was that this situation was similar to one of those 3D drawings you see sometimes – the ones where if you look at it one way you see one image and if you change focus and look at it from a different angle you see a completely different picture.  I knew I had to choose which picture I was looking at.

At this point I messaged my Sunday School teacher for some extra help.  She told me that it was fear that was contagious not COVID.  I related this to a story she had told me in Sunday School about a man in a canoe who was lost in the fog.  I likened the fear to the fog.  At that point the fear seemed to surround me – just like the fog.  In the story the man had only to stand up in the canoe and see above the fog and to see his safe course.  I knew that all I needed to do was to stand above the mental fog and see the truth of the situation – the truth that I was spiritual and not subject to material laws of contagion.  With these thoughts I felt safe and fell asleep.

In the morning when I woke I was perfectly well.  The fever and the cough had completely gone and the runny nose was also gone in about an hour.  I was very grateful for this proof of God’s care.

Conference Rescued – Speaker Healed   2 comments

The members of the Christian Science community in Canberra share their experiences and thoughts on Christian Science:

One of my roles in the years just before I retired was to organise the annual regional conference for the large state government department I worked for.  These events were attended by over 300 participants and included one main keynote speaker and approximately 48 breakout sessions.  Planning took many months.  In order to secure an exceptional keynote speaker, it was necessary to book at least twelve months in advance.

This particular year I managed to secure a booking with someone I knew to be not only at the forefront of his specialist area, but an excellent and engaging speaker.  He was pleased to be asked and at the initial interview we discussed a timeline for when he would give me details of his talk and materials for hand outs etc.  During the year we touched base a couple of times and all seemed to be going to plan.  However, when we were about a month out from the event he still hadn’t given me the material I was expecting and wasn’t answering my calls or emails. 

Eventually I managed to make contact with his support staff.  They said that he had been in hospital with a very severe case of pneumonia and even after a couple of months he was not well enough to be back at work.  I said I would make contact again in a week or so to see how he was progressing.  This time I managed to talk to the speaker himself.  He said that although he was still very ill and weak he felt sure he would improve enough to be able to do the talk.  We touched base several times over the next couple of weeks but his health was not improving.  He seemed keen not to let me down and said that he would bring his wife to support him and possibly do the talk sitting down. He thought then he might possibly manage.  This was still the situation, the day before the conference and it was extremely tempting to be very worried.  I did not want this dear man to jeopardise his health but I also knew that the opening address was a very important part of the conference.

I have been raised in Christian Science and I’ve learnt over many years that there are spiritual laws that can be relied upon when challenges arise.  So I prayed to see things from a spiritual, rather than a human perspective.  I knew that this conference was a right idea.  Among other things it was an opportunity for participants and presenters to share ideas that worked and to collectively rise to higher levels of performance.  I knew that all right ideas are God’s because I have come to know God as infinite Mind and the source of all good.  I have also come to know God as Love and that Love is not just a feeling but a divine law.  This law ensured the safety of all; this law held everyone in their right place and maintained harmony.  I thought on these and similar ideas until I felt a sense of calm – a strong sense that all was well.  The night before the conference I slept peacefully expectant of good unfolding.

The following evening was the meet and greet and the conference opening dinner.  When I arrived the hall was already abuzz with excited participants.  Quickly I noticed that there was quite a gathering of people over near the bar.  In the centre of this someone was holding the floor and entertaining a small crowd.  As I moved closer I realised that was my keynote speaker.   He greeted me with a huge grin. ‘You wouldn’t believe what happened’, he said.  ‘You know how I’ve been so sick for the last few months.  Well last night, it was like a switch flicked and instantly I was completely well.  I haven’t felt this well in years. Look at me now!’  His excitement and enthusiasm spilled over into the group and he continued to entertain them.  Needless to say his talk was a great success, as was the rest of the conference.

Every day I am grateful for what I am learning in Christian Science.  It teaches me to be calm in the face of challenges; it teaches me to turn away from the human scenario and to acknowledge the spiritual truths; it teaches me that there are spiritual laws that apply to all life and if understood and trusted these laws will adjust any discordant situation.

Chest Infection Healed Quickly   Leave a comment

The members of the Christian Science community in Canberra share their experiences and thoughts on Christian Science:

Just before the lockdown began, I came down with a chest infection.  If I walked upstairs or tried to talk, I coughed uncontrollably making it very difficult to hold a conversation, talk on the phone or take part in online meetings. It was also difficult to sleep at night.  To allay the fears of family members who were concerned that I might be infectious and so should not be babysitting, I agreed to take a Covid test.

Throughout this time, I had been at home praying asking God to show me what I needed to know and not mixing with others.  Eventually I remembered the statement in the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, (p 420)

“If students do not readily heal themselves, they should early call an experienced Christian Scientist to aid them.  If they are unwilling to do this for themselves, they need only to know that error cannot produce this unnatural reluctance.” 

I decided to contact a Christian Science practitioner who was unimpressed by the symptoms and likened the coughing to a “performance wanting to get my attention”.  She assured me that “Spirit (my true substance) can’t irritate or distress itself” and agreed to pray for me. 

That night I slept peacefully and in the morning I found a text on my phone saying that my Covid test was negative.  Over the next two days, the coughing disappeared and I was able to fulfill care commitments for my family with no problem.

I am deeply grateful for this healing and for the lessons that I continue to learn from the experience.

A cherry on the cake came a few days later.  I realised that my ribs were sore on one side – and found myself thinking that this was due to the violent coughing that I had been doing.  I realised that as the cough had never actually been part of me, there was no reason for there to be any after-effects.  I rejected the suggestion and concentrated on the reading that I was doing.  When I had finished reading, I realised that all feeling of aching had disappeared. 

This whole experience was really a ‘wake-up call’ – a nudge to draw closer to God and to feel his love not only for myself but everyone around me.

Quick Healing of a Head Cold   1 comment

The members of the Christian Science community in Canberra share their experiences and thoughts on Christian Science:

Recently I experienced all the symptoms of a heavy head cold.  It just seemed to sneak up on me as the day progressed. 

I was fairly determined to not give in to this feeling and I accomplished all I needed to during the day but by the evening I felt physically overwhelmed by the symptoms and the unwell feeling.  However, during the day I had been reminding myself that my true nature was spiritual – the image and likeness of God, as the Bible tell us (Genesis 1: 26, 27) and if God didn’t have a cold then really nor could I.   Although I didn’t feel well I didn’t feel beaten by this situation.  My mental well-being still felt very intact.   

In the evening as I didn’t feel capable of doing anything physical, I curled up in my favourite chair and decided to listen to the Wednesday Testimony Meeting readings on the phone.  They were perfect for me!  The topic was spiritual healing and I became engrossed in the words and the message – a message that reminded me that I could mentally stand up to claims of ill-health.  The readings assured me that matter couldn’t make conditions for me because Mind was the only cause.  At the end of the readings I felt calm and forgot to think much about the cold situation. 

That night I slept through peacefully and woke in the morning 100% well.  There was not a single trace of the condition.  Later that next day my husband and I took the dog on a long walk and we jogged much of the way.  I kept up easily and pulled up after each jog without any puffing.  I felt more energised than I had in a long time.

For this and all the other healings I have experienced through relying on the truths taught in Christian Science I am truly grateful.  Armed with this understanding I approach each day with confidence and joy.

A recording of the readings mentioned above are posted on this blog below under the heading, Spiritual Healing – Past and Present.

Healing of RSI   Leave a comment

The members of the Christian Science community in Canberra share their experiences and thoughts on Christian Science:

A few months ago, I found I was struggling with a painful strained wrist.  I believed it to be RSI or Repetitive Strain Injury.  This seemed so bad that I was having great difficulty fulfilling everyday essential tasks.

I asked help from my sister who is a Christian Science practitioner in England.  A Christian Science practitioner is someone who devotes their life to helping others through prayer – a spiritual healer.

When my sister later looked up RSI on the internet, she was amused by one definition that came up as ‘Relative Strength Indicator’ relating to the stock market. …a rather less intimidating definition!

She referred me to hymn 350 from the Christian Science Hymnal, which tells me in part:

Through the love of God our Saviour
All will be well; …

While His truth we are applying,
And upon His love relying,
God is every need supplying,
All, all is well.

Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy is the textbook of Christian Science.  It was written to teach readers how to heal spiritually.  I keep a little notebook of citations from it that I find helpful.  On this occasion these were some of the ideas that helped me:

Let us feel the divine energy of Spirit, bringing us into newness of life and recognizing no mortal nor material power as able to destroy (p249).

Consciousness, as well as action, is governed by Mind, – is in God, … (p480).

All that God imparts moves in accord with Him, reflecting goodness and power (p515).

Constant toil, deprivations, exposures, and all untoward conditions, if without sin, can be experienced without suffering. Whatever it is your duty to do, you can do without harm to yourself. If you sprain the muscles or wound the flesh, your remedy is at hand.  Mind decides whether or not the flesh shall be discolored, painful, swollen, and inflamed (385).

I was grateful to have the extra time staying at home to study and grow.

In a month or so there was much improvement – so much so that it was no longer uppermost in my thought and then it disappeared without further notice!

I am so grateful for all that Christian Science has given me, and for my sister’s patient care.